Board of Health Inspected Systems Installed

We service, repair and replace;

  • Cesspools
  • Septic Tanks
  • Sewers
  • Sinks
  • Tubs
  • Toilets
  • Dry Wells.

“”I walked across the lawn, and all of a sudden I disappeared.”

“THERE’S EVERY reason to be alarmed about the recent death of a Huntington Station man whose backyard cesspool collapsed, burying him under yards of dirt and concrete blocks. They are freak incidents, but cesspool tragedies like the one that killed Michael LoBasso on Sept. 3 are usually preventable.”

Newsday, September 12, 2001


If you have old cesspools you should have them inspected to check their condition before a dangerous situation happens. Contact 3T’s for a professional system inspection now!  (631) 356-9741

“Cesspools exist without you knowing they are there. It’s not just regular water with chlorine. You are talking about poisons and toxins and acids that will burn you and kill you.” Excerpt from “What Lurks Beneath: Cesspools That Time Forgot” NY Times

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